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Jak se vám líbí hra Trouble in Cloudland?

Modré obláčky s jemně červeným nádechem nemusí být vždy symbolem míru a bezpečí. Naštěstí je zde nás sympatický hlavní hrdina, který v několika různých herních prostředích likviduje záškodníky jako na běžícím pásu.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


1. 2. 2007 12:46
This is jony from Battle Zero, thanks for the translation! As well as for the kind words.
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31. 1. 2007 9:52
Hello, this is Joshua from Battle Zero. Is there anyone that can translate what this review says? I would like to know what you think about my game.
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31. 1. 2007 11:58
Brief translation
The main point of the review is that the game is surprisingly good, interesting and original. The greatest potencial of this game is in its simplicity - it is really not necessary to go through the tutorial :). Plus it doesn't follow the stereotype of common free action games. Other positives of this game can be found in unusual mouse-control, increasing of difficulty and in diversity of backgrounds and enemies. Also the graphics is sweet. In comparison with other games of Shump Dev server's competition this one looks really good and has real chance to achieve one of the first places. No faults were mentioned in the review. My own opinion is quite similar. Good and original game.
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